Pilotitis Syndrome!

😅 Have you ever heard about the the “Pilotitis” affecting Pharma!?

Reading “The OmniAdvantage” by Mehrnaz Campbell, I came across a fascinating metaphor: “Pilotitis.” This “inflammatory condition” describes pharma’s tendency to launch short-term pilots that never truly take off.

🛑 What’s the problem? A disconnect exists between these isolated pilots and the long-term goals. This lack of mid-term strategy prevents pilots and long term goals from connecting, leaving us in a state of perpetual “pilot purgatory.”

👨‍⚕️ Why “Pilotitis”? Often, it stems from a risk-averse culture in commercial and marketing teams. Fear of failure and a lack of vision hinder our ability to embrace innovative approaches. Unfortunately, this creates an environment where we can’t fail, stifling creativity and progress.

💊 So I was thinking about how Pharma can break free from this cycle!? Those are some tips :

1- Shift the mindset: Reframe risk-taking as an opportunity for learning and growth, not just as a potential for failure.
2- Celebrate calculated risks and successes: Showcase stories of successful pilots that led to positive outcomes, inspiring others to embrace calculated risks.
3- Invest in training: Equip marketing and commercial teams with the skills and knowledge to assess risks effectively and develop mitigation strategies.
4- Integrate pilots into a broader strategic framework: Clearly define how each pilot aligns with long-term goals and contributes to the overall marketing strategy.
5- Set clear success metrics: Establish measurable objectives for each pilot, ensuring they contribute meaningfully to long-term goals.
6- Create a safe space for failure: Encourage learning from mistakes and view them as opportunities for improvement, not as failures.
7- Encourage a growth mindset: Foster a culture where learning and continuous improvement are valued and actively encouraged.

Are your Pharma suffering from Pilotitis? Share your stories!

#pharmamarketing #innovation #riskmanagement

Entrepreneurship !

🙋‍♀️ Diving into a jungle of services, offers, and fierce competition, all alone.
That was me, three years ago, starting my solopreneur journey.

Lost, yes, but filled with the exhilarating freedom of choosing my projects, partners, and schedule.

🏃‍♀️ I craved to fight for brands I believed in, alongside passionate collaborators.
But the reality?

Facing complex projects, demanding intense analysis and focus, all in the silence of solitude.
I, very often, felt isolated.

👬 My solution was to surround myself by Young graduates/ Confirmed PhD, brilliant minds who brought fresh perspectives to my work. I had the privilege of mentoring them & We pushed each other, growing together.

✨ They weren’t just colleagues; they became cheerleaders and friends.
They made me a better entrepreneur, and I, in turn, helped them flourish.

🙏 Thank you Wided Kouidhi, PhD. Nawres Bessassi Dorra Belhadj Malik Ouertani for having been there all along the journey!


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🤔 Medical affairs in 2030 ?Are you ready for the orchestra?

By 2030, we’ll be conducting a symphony of engagement, harmonizing with community HCPs, payers, and value-based decision makers. And the conductor? Digital.

📢 Why the shift? Simple: patients deserve better. We need scalable solutions to bridge the care gap, and digital is the only way to reach millions at once. Plus, physicians are demanding it – they’re tired of endless face-to-face meetings and crave a seamless, integrated experience across channels.

But how do we make this ? Here’s the score:
🖋 Building the foundation:

Data is king: Let’s understand each HCP, their journey, and their needs. Think CRM, MSL insights, social media – every note counts.
Metrics matter: Track the impact of our engagement on education, decisions, and ultimately, patient outcomes.
📧 Harmonizing the channels:

Beyond MSLs: Integrate websites, call centers, conferences, and social media. Think of it as a multi-instrument ensemble.
Seamless transitions: HCPs shouldn’t have to start over at every touchpoint. Let’s make the experience flow like a well-rehearsed concerto.
Composing new content:

👩‍🔬 Snackable science: Bite-sized pieces of information, engaging visuals, and clear narratives. Think short, sharp movements that keep the audience captivated.
AI in the spotlight: Let AI generate new formats, personalize content, and help on composing scientific narratives (under “human” accountability).

Please share with us your expectations for 2030 medical affairs!

McKinsey & Company


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Whitelab Anniversary!

🎉 Three years ago today, I signed my first project at the global level as an omnichannel pharma consultant!

😍 I still remember the euphoria I felt, but also all the doubts: Do I have enough experience to work on such large projects globally? Am I up to date on all the best practices and success stories in pharma? Will my Anglo-Franco-Tunisian accent betray me?

I worked 16 hours a day on this project all along. It was not just a matter of work but of personal achievement!

🎊 And the outcome was outstanding!

This allowed me to strengthen my collaboration with the people who trusted me Amel Tapiau and Caroline Bard and today we have together delivered more than forty strategy projects globally and all over the world.

🏅 The results are in this ” Clients Feedback collection” that I flip through every time I have a down (And the life of a consultant is only made of Ups & Down)

🎇 Thank you to drcom for your trust – Happy anniversary to our collaboration and I hope we will multiply the successes!


🤔 Marketing VS Sales: More than Silos – Sometimes a war!

🤷‍♀️ Marketing/Medical affairs teams and Sales often operate differently, pursuing distinct goals: long-term brand building versus short-term sales targets.

Sales teams don’t see the benefits of branding and awareness, while marketers might have difficulty showcasing immediate ROI.
And on top of that, Information retention blocks collaborative planning and joint understanding of the customer journey. 😥
This certainly leads to missed opportunities and inconsistencies in customer interactions.
The solution? 💡

Change mindset to foster open communication and collaboration!

How to achieve this? This is my own recipe: 🍦
Change management approach led by external lead: Dive deeply into the Why, What, and Who. Interview people and listen to them to drive the needed change and find the right solutions. Explain the “why” behind the change and desired outcomes. Address challenges openly and discuss proposed solutions. It’s essential to find a Win-Win situation. 🌟

Internal Workshops and Co-Creation with neutral (external) governance: Establish time for co-creation dedicated to omnichannel strategies, leveraging diverse departmental expertise for a holistic customer understanding. Listen to everyone and encourage them to participate.🤼

Upskilling capabilities: Promote cross-functional understanding of each department’s role in delivering a unified customer experience. Sales and marketers have to share very similar knowledge to collaborate at all stages of the journey. 👫

Do you see it as a war or a collaboration catalyst? What actions do you implement?


🤔 Technology VS Ways of working?

💡 7 Tips to find the right balance leading to Omnichannel success:


💻 1. Marketing Automation Tools:
These tools automate tasks like email marketing, social media posting, and targeted advertising campaigns.
They ensure consistent messaging and brand voice across channels, while also tailoring content to individual customer segments.

📰 2. Content Management System:
Choose a CMS that allows you to manage content centrally and publish it seamlessly across different channels.
This ensures consistency and saves time from creating separate content for each platform.

📈 3. Analytics and Reporting Tools:
Track and analyze customer behavior across all channels to understand what’s working and what’s not.
Use these insights to refine your omnichannel strategy and optimize performance for better engagement.


🤵 1. Focusing on the Customer :
Shift your company mindset from product centric to customer centric, use inspirational talks and workshops, webinars, videos…
Measure your internal behavioural change – It’s as important as the outcome of your playbook or your omnichannel project

🤼 2. Embracing Collaboration:
Break down silos between departments like marketing, sales, and customer service through workshops and regular cross functional meetings.
Encourage information sharing and collaboration to deliver a consistent brand message and address customer needs effectively.

💪 3. Empowering Your Employees:
Give your employees the autonomy and tools they need to make decisions and solve customer problems efficiently – Provide support and upskill capabilities.
This fosters a culture of ownership and accountability, leading to better customer communication.

📊 4. Continuously Measuring:
Regularly track key metrics like customer satisfaction, engagement, and conversion rates.

Use these insights to continuously refine your omnichannel strategy and optimize your efforts for better results.

Do you have any other tips? Please share in the comments!
hashtag#omnichannelstrategy hashtag#technology hashtag#pharma

Maslow’s Hierarchy of HCPs Needs

🤔 And what if we imagine the Maslow’s Hierarchy of HCPs Needs ?

👨‍⚕️ Let’s put ourselves in their shoes :

As a doctor, I may have :

1 – Basic needs related to understanding disease and treatment options and easily finding what I look for : The latest research and guidelines to help me prescribe the right medication to the right patient – The drug information to help me fast checking on dosage, interactions and side effects

2- Relationship needs to be able to empower patients in treatment : Patient support content to help me inform and educate my patient on their treatment and the management of side effects

💊 As Pharma managers, our responsability is to ensure that HCPs have a direct and easy access to these information – we should be able to define communication strategy based on those needs and find related tactics.

🖥 One potential tactic could be:

– A well structured HCP portal : One destination for all the essential on demand content with a proper section for each one of their need.
– With Intuitive navigation: They have to find what they need quickly and easily, a user-friendly interface that guides them where they need to go.
– And Real-time updates & SEO: Make your HCPs able to get the latest insights first, with powerful search and real-time data updates.

And “CERISE SUR LE GATEAU” Personalized content: Make HCPs register so you can personalize their experience to receive relevant information tailored to their specific needs and interests.

This is one of the tactics, but we should definitely work on the whole strategy to meet those needs.

🖊 If you want to discuss HCP needs and best practices in pharma, feel free to drop me a line, I’m always happy to chat.


Maslows Pyramide by Pamela Walker @gateoneconsulting

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😨 Omnichannel is the marketer nightmare!

Ensuring mere presence across all platforms without creating a fragmented experience where each channel exists in its own silo? 🤔

Multiplying channels, starting new ones, collecting datas, following these datas, ensuring that we coordinate with all the departments?? … Hell, What a plan! 😪

How can we navigate through all these changes and aim for coherence and seamless transition between channels for our HCPs? 👨‍⚕️

Here my advice: 💡

😉 START SIMPLE : Think of each channel as a stepping stone in a customer’s journey. They might start browsing on your website, switch to your app and then utilize your patient support tools. The key is to ensure each step feels part of a smooth, and a continuous flow.

😃 LESS IS MORE : Picture yourself as a maestro, harmonizing the diverse voices of your channels. Instead of chasing every trendy platform, start with two or three well-integrated channels that form a strong foundation. Master these touchpoints, building a unified journey that resonates with your HCP audience. Then, step by step, you can enrich the symphony by adding complementary channels to expand your reach and impact.

By embracing these strategies, you can transform omnichannel from a nightmare into a powerful symphony, empowering HCPs and elevating your brand ! 🎉

I have developed a proven methodology for prioritizing and integrating channels. Drop me a line at and let me provide you with more info! ✉


Pharma & Omnichannel !

😲 Only 15% of pharma companies consider their HCP engagement omnichannel ! While 98% of pharmaceutical executives feel it’s important to develop and implement an omnichannel strategy !

Turns out, the omnichannel dream isn’t as easy to achieve as a perfectly brewed cappuccino! 😔

Content overload, for one, is the industry’s version of info-vomit, leaving HCPs overwhelmed and disengaged.

🎁 But hey, no challenge, no reward! You can always overcome it by:
Creating modular and personalized content to respond to HCPs specific needs and effectively engaging them:

💡 Identify Core Topics by dividing essential healthcare information into small, digestible modules covering specific topics like treatments procedures or best practices.

📽 Offer different content formats like text, video, infographics, and case studies to cater to diverse learning preferences.

👩‍⚕️ Recommend content based on the HCP’s specialty, interests, and learning gaps identified through Reps visits.

🏥 Tailor content to specific practice settings. For example, content for GP’s might prioritize informations about common diseases treatments, while those for oncologists could delve deeper into innovative therapies.

👨‍⚕️Facilitate peer-to-peer interaction through online forums, discussion groups, and live webinars, allowing HCPs to learn from and support each other.

We can support you on navigating HCP challenges and guide you through your omnichannel journey.
We’ll celebrate small wins and help you achieve great results. 👏


Post inspired by Omnichannel In Pharma: Key Components, Designs & Channels by Kathryn Humphries

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Pharma companies are SPAMMING HCPs !

🔊 Drowning HCPs in content is like shouting in a crowded room. To stand out and foster trust, pharma companies need to whisper strategically.

🤝 One of the important thing that we should consider creating our content is our ability to ensure a trusty relationship and to give HCPs the content they need and find more relevant .

=⇒ Before you blast another email, ask yourself: ** “What truly benefits my HCPs?”

Here’s how Omnichannel can win you their hearts:

🧔 Personalize: Tailor content to their actual needs & interests, across all channels .
⏳ Optimize: Move HCPs seamlessly through awareness, consideration, & conversion (AIDA model is your friend ).
🥅 Adapt: See what works (and flops) in real-time to maximize ROI .

No more spam, just compelling narratives that cut through the noise and spark meaningful dialogue.


Post inspired by Creating Better HCP Experiences Now with Data and Omnichannel | PM360 BY John Fitzpatrick