Pilotitis Syndrome!

😅 Have you ever heard about the the “Pilotitis” affecting Pharma!?

Reading “The OmniAdvantage” by Mehrnaz Campbell, I came across a fascinating metaphor: “Pilotitis.” This “inflammatory condition” describes pharma’s tendency to launch short-term pilots that never truly take off.

🛑 What’s the problem? A disconnect exists between these isolated pilots and the long-term goals. This lack of mid-term strategy prevents pilots and long term goals from connecting, leaving us in a state of perpetual “pilot purgatory.”

👨‍⚕️ Why “Pilotitis”? Often, it stems from a risk-averse culture in commercial and marketing teams. Fear of failure and a lack of vision hinder our ability to embrace innovative approaches. Unfortunately, this creates an environment where we can’t fail, stifling creativity and progress.

💊 So I was thinking about how Pharma can break free from this cycle!? Those are some tips :

1- Shift the mindset: Reframe risk-taking as an opportunity for learning and growth, not just as a potential for failure.
2- Celebrate calculated risks and successes: Showcase stories of successful pilots that led to positive outcomes, inspiring others to embrace calculated risks.
3- Invest in training: Equip marketing and commercial teams with the skills and knowledge to assess risks effectively and develop mitigation strategies.
4- Integrate pilots into a broader strategic framework: Clearly define how each pilot aligns with long-term goals and contributes to the overall marketing strategy.
5- Set clear success metrics: Establish measurable objectives for each pilot, ensuring they contribute meaningfully to long-term goals.
6- Create a safe space for failure: Encourage learning from mistakes and view them as opportunities for improvement, not as failures.
7- Encourage a growth mindset: Foster a culture where learning and continuous improvement are valued and actively encouraged.

Are your Pharma suffering from Pilotitis? Share your stories!

#pharmamarketing #innovation #riskmanagement

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