Whitelab Anniversary!

🎉 Three years ago today, I signed my first project at the global level as an omnichannel pharma consultant!

😍 I still remember the euphoria I felt, but also all the doubts: Do I have enough experience to work on such large projects globally? Am I up to date on all the best practices and success stories in pharma? Will my Anglo-Franco-Tunisian accent betray me?

I worked 16 hours a day on this project all along. It was not just a matter of work but of personal achievement!

🎊 And the outcome was outstanding!

This allowed me to strengthen my collaboration with the people who trusted me Amel Tapiau and Caroline Bard and today we have together delivered more than forty strategy projects globally and all over the world.

🏅 The results are in this ” Clients Feedback collection” that I flip through every time I have a down (And the life of a consultant is only made of Ups & Down)

🎇 Thank you to drcom for your trust – Happy anniversary to our collaboration and I hope we will multiply the successes!


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