Maslow’s Hierarchy of HCPs Needs

🤔 And what if we imagine the Maslow’s Hierarchy of HCPs Needs ?

👨‍⚕️ Let’s put ourselves in their shoes :

As a doctor, I may have :

1 – Basic needs related to understanding disease and treatment options and easily finding what I look for : The latest research and guidelines to help me prescribe the right medication to the right patient – The drug information to help me fast checking on dosage, interactions and side effects

2- Relationship needs to be able to empower patients in treatment : Patient support content to help me inform and educate my patient on their treatment and the management of side effects

💊 As Pharma managers, our responsability is to ensure that HCPs have a direct and easy access to these information – we should be able to define communication strategy based on those needs and find related tactics.

🖥 One potential tactic could be:

– A well structured HCP portal : One destination for all the essential on demand content with a proper section for each one of their need.
– With Intuitive navigation: They have to find what they need quickly and easily, a user-friendly interface that guides them where they need to go.
– And Real-time updates & SEO: Make your HCPs able to get the latest insights first, with powerful search and real-time data updates.

And “CERISE SUR LE GATEAU” Personalized content: Make HCPs register so you can personalize their experience to receive relevant information tailored to their specific needs and interests.

This is one of the tactics, but we should definitely work on the whole strategy to meet those needs.

🖊 If you want to discuss HCP needs and best practices in pharma, feel free to drop me a line, I’m always happy to chat.


Maslows Pyramide by Pamela Walker @gateoneconsulting

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