Customer Centricity

🚀”Patients are more than the pill they take, and doctors are more than the prescription they make.” This quote is the concept I remember from a podcast featuring some remarkable individuals. Mehrnaz Campbell Amish Patel Chris Wade Gaurav Sanganee Dan Buckland

The podcast gets its energy from this idea. It’s a reminder that in healthcare, we’re dealing with real people, and how we talk to patients and healthcare professionals should remember that. 🌟

One big part of making this change is being relevant. To connect with doctors and patients, we need to share content that matters to them when they need it. Trust comes from understanding and relevance.

To do this, pharmaceutical companies need to work on a few things:

🌐 Embrace Technology: Technology is the way of the future, but we still need people. Teach your teams to use all the different ways to talk to HCPs, and give them a roadmap to learn how to use these new tools.

Digital Vs Human: It’s not an “either-or” situation. You need both. Digital tools and human interaction should work hand in hand to guide the HCPs through their journey. Align internal knowledge and external customer needs to ensure a seamless experience.

This leads you to Happy HCPs: When what you do inside your company matches what HCPs expect, they’ll be satisfied, and they’ll trust your brand.

To be more focused on HCPs and Patients in the pharmaceutical world, you need to be relevant, use technology, and remember the human side of things.

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