A real life story: How Roche uses Voice of the customer to learn from HCPs & patients opinions

1- Define Outcomes

Clearly outline business goals for VOC programs.

2- integration

Weave VOC into your overall business strategy.

3- Active listening effective actions

Listen actively and act strategically for success.

4- Metrics foundations

Set up a comprehensive metrics framework before diving into data.

5- Unified approach

Maintain a consistent approach across the organization.

6- Craft thoughtful questions

Seek feedback with well-crafted questions.

7- Time for accumulation

Allow data to accumulate meaningfully; avoid hasty interpretations.

8- Embrace diverse perspectives

Prioritize customer views even when they different.

9- Boost team morale

Focus on customer happiness for motivated teams.

10- Anecdotal Goldmine

Extract value from open-ended questions and anecdotal feedback.

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