Breaking down silos!

😅 Breaking downs silos is challenging.

But it’s super important to understand that when the commercial and medical teams work together, it’s not just a strategy; it’s the key to Pharma success because they operate in the same environment.

🗣 The commercial field teams are on the front lines, interfacing directly with healthcare professionals (HCPs). They possess invaluable insights into what HCPs truly need, the topics that matter, and the added value they seek. By fostering a culture of open information sharing between commercial and medical teams, we empower our pharmaceutical company with the precise knowledge needed to craft a seamless customer experience.

💡 One of the methodology I personnally implement is gathering those departments so they start effectively collaborating through workshops at the beginning then during structured session in a weekly or monthly basis. We put in place the same vision and a same orchestrated plan for their brands and continue to work on this, step by step.

Other ways of working closely are existing!

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