How to assess your team’s capabilities

Engaging your employees on their learning path is the best way to create motivation and active participation in their on-going trainings.

Here are a few ways you, as a manager, can follow up with your team’s learning and capabilities assessment:

  • Performance metrics: These metrics can be an effective evaluation tool that can allow you to compare and compile data on your employees assessment.
  • Measurable goals: Managers and employees can set mutually agreed-upon measurable goals that focus on skills-expansion such as number of training sessions or medical education programs to attend.
  • Self-assessment : Employees can identify their strength and weaknesses. This can boost their own self-confidence and motivation and it allows to identify areas that need attention.
  • Challenging and testing : Evaluate your employees directly by testing them is probably the best way to assess their learning and training. However, it should be done in a creative and stimulating way. We can suggest a gamification platform like OlympiQs developed by our partner ATS – Digital Dev.

To learn more about it check this article

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Réduction budgétaire, recherche d’efficacité, et de résultats immédiats… Quelle est la meilleure solution pour comprendre ses patients ? Et particulièrement en période de COVID ? Est-ce que le temps des enquêtes patients est révolu ? Comment utiliser aujourd’hui les médias sociaux pour trouver ses Insights ? Quelles sont les avantages et les inconvénients de cette source inépuisable d’informations ? WhiteLab vous dit tout.
