Leveraging the medical Rep’s relationship with HCPs through Email engagement

Even though sales work is becoming more and more digital, it’s still important for medical reps to have a good relationship with HCPs. Emails can be a great way to leverage this relationship.

1. Send Emails from Your Rep’s Email Address

It’s confirmed that customers who receive information from a known sender are more likely to open and engage with content.

2. Avoid Sending From “no-reply” addresses

Don’t make the mistake of sending from a generic email address or third party newsletter.  Customers know these are un-manned and usually “no-reply” addresses.  By sending from a “real” person’s email address you create the expectation of a response and ideally an urgency to open or view the email.

3. Share Your Email Analytics with Your Reps

Imagine providing your medical reps with a detailed report about what the HCPs have seen and are interested in.  Knowing these details can change the focus of their next interaction. 

Don’t forget to be relevant about the data you show to your reps, they only need the insightful ones.

4. Manage the reps transitions

Skilled medical reps can change territory and they’re usually well liked and have built great relationships over the years. Using email marketing, the introduction of a new rep via the incumbent Rep’s email is more seamless and it gives an added level of credibility.

The advantages of remote detailing

  1.  Accessibility: The content has never been more accessible. You can have access to the material at any given time. Also, you can reach physicians working in remote locations instantly with a remote meeting.
  2. Engagement: e-detailing is an interactive presentation allowing HCPs to actively engage with reps.
  3. Personalized meeting: By tracking how each HCP interact with your content and using some analytics tools, you can adjust the content and work at individual level.
  4. Time effective: E-detailing takes less time for medical reps, because HCP can arrange the calls so that they fit into their own schedule. This allows rep to focus on the relationship between him and the doctor, and on the discussion about the product.
  5. Impact: Several market studies shows that HCPs are more focused and spend a longer time on digital calls than F2F calls, which increase the impact of your communication.

Using Social Media For Market Research

Do you know the percentage of online patients and HCPs in Europe using social media for health-related purposes…??
It’s about 68% !
That’s why we think that this can be an opportunity for you to use this very insightful and wide resource to perform accurate market research!

For more insights and tips check this video

Don’t hesitate to contact us

Social Media in Health: Step by Step

What do you think about using Social Media Marketing as an important channel for your communication with HCPs and patients? Are you hesitating? Are you struggling with “what to Do “and “What Not”?
We think that engaging in conversations with physicians, patients and other stakeholders might seem daunting given the health related regulation, Pharmacovigilance, data privacy and so on… But these barriers can be crossed!
So how we can help you??
To start, we’ve put together a comprehensive infographic about the actions that need to be carried out in order to engage successfully in social media.

So let’s deep dive :

For more informations don’t hesitate to contact us

Le multichannel Marketing à tout prix?

Comment choisir entre la cinquantaine de canaux existants dans la pharma?
Comment créer un équilibre dans ma communication entre interactions personnalisées et non personnalisées selon chaque médecin?
Comment unifier mon message et travailler en étroite collaboration avec ma force vente?
Qu’est ce que l’impact et la portée? comment les manier? Est ce les mêmes pour tous les médecins? Comment maximiser mon impact et ma portée selon chaque profil de médecin?
