🤔 Medical affairs in 2030 ?Are you ready for the orchestra?

By 2030, we’ll be conducting a symphony of engagement, harmonizing with community HCPs, payers, and value-based decision makers. And the conductor? Digital.

📢 Why the shift? Simple: patients deserve better. We need scalable solutions to bridge the care gap, and digital is the only way to reach millions at once. Plus, physicians are demanding it – they’re tired of endless face-to-face meetings and crave a seamless, integrated experience across channels.

But how do we make this ? Here’s the score:
đź–‹ Building the foundation:

Data is king: Let’s understand each HCP, their journey, and their needs. Think CRM, MSL insights, social media – every note counts.
Metrics matter: Track the impact of our engagement on education, decisions, and ultimately, patient outcomes.
📧 Harmonizing the channels:

Beyond MSLs: Integrate websites, call centers, conferences, and social media. Think of it as a multi-instrument ensemble.
Seamless transitions: HCPs shouldn’t have to start over at every touchpoint. Let’s make the experience flow like a well-rehearsed concerto.
Composing new content:

👩‍🔬 Snackable science: Bite-sized pieces of information, engaging visuals, and clear narratives. Think short, sharp movements that keep the audience captivated.
AI in the spotlight: Let AI generate new formats, personalize content, and help on composing scientific narratives (under “human” accountability).

Please share with us your expectations for 2030 medical affairs!

McKinsey & Company


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