Pharma & Omnichannel !

😲 Only 15% of pharma companies consider their HCP engagement omnichannel ! While 98% of pharmaceutical executives feel it’s important to develop and implement an omnichannel strategy !

Turns out, the omnichannel dream isn’t as easy to achieve as a perfectly brewed cappuccino! 😔

Content overload, for one, is the industry’s version of info-vomit, leaving HCPs overwhelmed and disengaged.

🎁 But hey, no challenge, no reward! You can always overcome it by:
Creating modular and personalized content to respond to HCPs specific needs and effectively engaging them:

💡 Identify Core Topics by dividing essential healthcare information into small, digestible modules covering specific topics like treatments procedures or best practices.

📽 Offer different content formats like text, video, infographics, and case studies to cater to diverse learning preferences.

👩‍⚕️ Recommend content based on the HCP’s specialty, interests, and learning gaps identified through Reps visits.

🏥 Tailor content to specific practice settings. For example, content for GP’s might prioritize informations about common diseases treatments, while those for oncologists could delve deeper into innovative therapies.

👨‍⚕️Facilitate peer-to-peer interaction through online forums, discussion groups, and live webinars, allowing HCPs to learn from and support each other.

We can support you on navigating HCP challenges and guide you through your omnichannel journey.
We’ll celebrate small wins and help you achieve great results. 👏


Post inspired by Omnichannel In Pharma: Key Components, Designs & Channels by Kathryn Humphries

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