Brand attributes or Customer Experience in Pharma???

📊 In 2017, Bain & Company discovered that 40% of healthcare professionals’ brand preferences extend beyond the product, influenced by customer experience (Cx).

🚀 The latest Navigator365™ Cx Benchmark research reveals that Cx can influence brand preference by up to 83% for promoters, with variations across disease states and treater types.

📈 Disease states like Asthma boast high Net Promoter Scores (NPS), such as 73, while others like HIV, CML, and SMA trail with scores ranging from 29 to 33.

👩‍⚕️ Treater types also play a significant role, with HIV-infectiologists scoring 72 compared to HIV-internists at 33.

💪 To boost NPS, companies should prioritize both brand-related factors and Cx.

🌟 Interestingly, higher-scoring respondents often credit their ratings to Cx-related factors, offering a prime opportunity for experience enhancement.

🔍 Older brands struggling against newer, superior products face dual challenges in brand and experience.

💡 Crucially, brands must first match competitors in terms of efficacy and essential attributes before optimizing Cx to achieve a high NPS.

🏆 In conclusion, customer centricity is a winning strategy in healthcare, but finding the right balance between brand attributes and Cx factors is key.

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