🌟 What if we could truly break down the silos?

What if Medical Affairs, Commercial Excellence, and Marketing departments disappear to merge into a single, cohesive team within the same department focused on one type of HCPs? Instead of having two or three separate departments all pursuing the same goal of communicating with HCPs, why not have managers who are “HCPs”-focused, rather than “brand” or “medical affairs” managers?

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of participating in the Mighty Medical webinar, which left me with some thoughts I’d like to share with you 🌟.

It’s evident that understanding HCPs’ behavior and insights is taking center stage as the top strategic priority for pharmaceutical companies in 2024.

🤝 The significance of breaking down silos between medical and commercial functions is becoming increasingly clear.

==> But can we truly achieve customer-centricity with the current organizational structure of pharma companies?

Is it too audacious to consider building our internal organization in a way that aligns with our external impact? Divised by HCPs personas rather than brands or support department?

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