Future of Pharma Sales Reps!

The future of pharma is personalized, but are we equipped to deliver it? 🩺

We need to shift focus:

– From one-size-fits-all to individual customer journeys.
– From siloed sales to cross-departmental collaboration.
– From data overload to actionable insights.

This means empowering sales reps with:

– Data-driven insights: To focus on high-value tasks and build trust.
– New skills: Like dynamic sales approaches and leveraging AI for personalization.
– Collaboration: Across departments for a unified customer experience.

And for you what are your insights about the new personnalized experiences in pharma ?


Post inspired By ****‘Unbundling’ the pharma sales rep for the personalization era By**** Jude Konzelmann

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Fear of Failure !

If you’re a manager in a pharmaceutical company, you’ve probably experienced it: the fear of failure.

In our industry, where everything is changing so rapidly, this fear can have significant impacts—it might be preventing us from adapting to the evolving needs of our customers.

Healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients’ needs are constantly evolving. It’s all about trying things out, learning, and improving—a shift in thinking that’s crucial for providing our healthcare professionals with a better experience.

To truly adapt and meet customer needs, we need to be okay with making mistakes.

Is this a concept that you see developing in your industry? Are we beginning to appreciate and celebrate our failures as valuable steps towards success?

Post Inspired by Digital Transformation In Pharma Webinar: Alex JijieManuel Mitola, MBAMatteo ColonnaStefano De Laurentis, EMBA

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Team Building!

I’ve missed it so much!

As a freelance consultant or a dynamic duo, those bustling coffee breaks with colleagues, the team’s business travels, and the lively atmosphere of team buildings become memories.

For less-than-ideal reasons…

Even though we’re “just” a duo, stepping out of the office and immersing ourselves in a more laid-back environment, surrounded by nature’s tranquility, sparked a whole new level of interaction.

It’s incredible how these moments, away from the desks and charts, enable small teams to connect on a deeper level.

We laughed together, tackled challenges, and delved into what motivates us each day. We also explored ways to stay motivated at work, considering our unique personalities. (Thanks to Ikbel NACCACHE 🍃 methodologies)

The true power of team building lies in these human connections. It’s about learning each other’s stories, understanding motivations, and empathizing with experiences beyond our professional roles. This understanding fosters trust and unity, forging a stronger, more resilient team.

Glad to have shared these moments with you Dorra Belhadj!

I’ve missed it so much!

As a freelance consultant or a dynamic duo, those bustling coffee breaks with colleagues, the team’s business travels, and the lively atmosphere of team buildings become memories.

For less-than-ideal reasons…

Even though we’re “just” a duo, stepping out of the office and immersing ourselves in a more laid-back environment, surrounded by nature’s tranquility, sparked a whole new level of interaction.

It’s incredible how these moments, away from the desks and charts, enable small teams to connect on a deeper level.

We laughed together, tackled challenges, and delved into what motivates us each day. We also explored ways to stay motivated at work, considering our unique personalities. (Thanks to Ikbel NACCACHE 🍃 methodologies)

The true power of team building lies in these human connections. It’s about learning each other’s stories, understanding motivations, and empathizing with experiences beyond our professional roles. This understanding fosters trust and unity, forging a stronger, more resilient team.

Glad to have shared these moments with you Dorra Belhadj!

Omnichannel Journey!

📢 Making Moves in Omnichannel: A Guide to Steady Progress

Taking it slow and steady can win the race in the omnichannel world.

🔎 Some tips for a smooth and successful journey:

🥅 Align with your purpose: Closely integrate your omnichannel strategy with your business objectives and customer needs. Shift your focus from simply pushing products to providing a seamless experience for healthcare professionals (HCPs).

⌛ Transform with purpose, not hype: Jumping on the digital bandwagon isn’t the goal. Build a scalable strategy that drives real results and motivates your team. Change management is crucial here: ensure people are well-informed, equipped with the right skills, engaged, and active participants. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

🔢 Data drives insights, not distractions: Leverage valuable feedback and performance indicators to track progress and guide your decisions. Don’t get lost in the data ocean; stay focused on your ultimate objectives.

By following these principles, you can make informed, gradual moves that lead to a thriving omnichannel experience for both your HCPs and your customers.

Remember, steady progress often yields the most lasting success.

Post inspired by Dr. Mussa Arvani, MD, MBA Parveen Jayia Victoria Ho Giorgio Mazzoleni – Right channel opportune time customized content let’s get it right 6 talk in Pharma Reuters Barcelona 2023


Brand attributes or Customer Experience in Pharma???

📊 In 2017, Bain & Company discovered that 40% of healthcare professionals’ brand preferences extend beyond the product, influenced by customer experience (Cx).

🚀 The latest Navigator365™ Cx Benchmark research reveals that Cx can influence brand preference by up to 83% for promoters, with variations across disease states and treater types.

📈 Disease states like Asthma boast high Net Promoter Scores (NPS), such as 73, while others like HIV, CML, and SMA trail with scores ranging from 29 to 33.

👩‍⚕️ Treater types also play a significant role, with HIV-infectiologists scoring 72 compared to HIV-internists at 33.

💪 To boost NPS, companies should prioritize both brand-related factors and Cx.

🌟 Interestingly, higher-scoring respondents often credit their ratings to Cx-related factors, offering a prime opportunity for experience enhancement.

🔍 Older brands struggling against newer, superior products face dual challenges in brand and experience.

💡 Crucially, brands must first match competitors in terms of efficacy and essential attributes before optimizing Cx to achieve a high NPS.

🏆 In conclusion, customer centricity is a winning strategy in healthcare, but finding the right balance between brand attributes and Cx factors is key.

The new Marketer in Pharma!

🤔 How should be the new marketer in Pharma?

👉 In my opinion, he should :
1- Revamp Marketing: Center it around customer engagement, breaking down roles to tailor strategies for diverse customer needs.
2- Elevate Customer Experience: Say goodbye to the old norms! Introduce a fresh planning process for personalized customer journeys. Collaborate with agencies for modular content creation.
3- Embrace technology : to dive deep into customer insights, chart engaging journeys, and utilize predictive engines for personalized interactions.
4- Bring in diverse talents to drive this change : Don’t hesitate to use external consultants & experts in change from other industries

What should be the ideal pharma marketer in this pharma new era for you?

It’s always good to laugh !

Let’s talk about something that might just be the secret sauce to a more productive and enjoyable workplace: laughter! 🚀

In the hustle and bustle of our professional lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the seriousness of it all. But here’s the thing – a little laughter can go a long way! 🤣
==> Boosts Morale: Laughter has the incredible ability to lift spirits, ease tension, and create a positive atmosphere. When we share a good laugh, it’s like hitting the reset button on stress.
==> Fosters Team Bonding: Ever notice how shared laughter brings people together? It’s a universal language that breaks down barriers and helps build strong connections among team members. The more we laugh together, the more we bond!
==> Enhances Creativity: A good laugh stimulates creative thinking. When we’re in a relaxed and happy state, our minds are more open to new ideas and innovative solutions. So, if you’re stuck on a problem, maybe a chuckle is just what you need to spark that “aha” moment!
==> Improves Productivity: Happy employees are often more engaged and motivated. Laughter reduces stress, leading to increased focus and productivity. A workplace filled with laughter is a place where people genuinely want to be, and that can only be good for business!

So, here’s a challenge for you: find a reason to laugh today, whether it’s sharing a joke with a colleague or watching a funny video during your break.
Let’s create a workplace where laughter is not just welcomed but celebrated! 🎉

HCPs & Digital offerings!

🚀 Healthcare professionals’ satisfaction with digital offerings during biopharma launches consistently trails behind their satisfaction with overall digital services. Across regions, the EU5 scored the lowest at 34%.

📊 Yet, despite the significance of digital initiatives, Across Health survey indicates a deviation in budget allocation. Most respondents allocate considerably less to digital in launch contexts. Comparing against a 30% limit for total marketing budgets (closer to 50% in B2B industries):

Over 32% allocate more than this to digital in general.
But only 20% allocate more than this specifically for launch purposes!

Does that resonate with you, or are you surprised by the results?

Romain Bechet Patrick Vidal Olga Duvillard Guzun


Budget Management!

As we find ourselves hurtling towards the end of the year, it’s that time when the air is filled with a unique mix of excitement and… let’s face it, a touch of overwhelm! 😅

Managers feel like they’re riding a rollercoaster.

🖥 Year-End Reflection: As we sift through numbers and reports, we’re also taking stock of achievements, challenges, and lessons learned. It’s a dance between tying up loose ends and setting the stage for what’s next.

🎶 Juggling Priorities: From ensuring financial statements align to tackling last-minute projects, the to-do list seems to grow exponentially. It’s a chaotic dance of multitasking.

💴 Budgeting Blues: Simultaneously, we’re donning our forecasting hats for the upcoming year. Budgeting can be a puzzle, requiring foresight, strategy, and a dash of optimism. Crunching numbers and making decisions that will shape the path ahead—it’s both thrilling and, let’s be honest, a tad nerve-wracking.

🤘 Team Synergy: Amidst the chaos, there’s a beautiful synergy that emerges within teams, Or NOT. Collaborating on year-end tasks and brainstorming for the budgeting season fosters a sense of camaraderie or competition.

☕ The Power of Coffee (and Deep Breaths): Whether it’s that extra cup of coffee, a quick walk to clear the mind, or the power of a deep breath, taking care of ourselves should be a priority.

💻📈 Embrace the chaos, find joy in the process! 💪✨

Let us know How do you manage the year-end closing and new year budgeting hustle? Share your tips and stories below! 👇💬


Social Media Power

📲 Did you know that 74% of patients use social media to find medical info?

And for HCPs, the role is just as significant. They utilize social platforms not only to expand their networks but also to facilitate patient access to information and elevate their education and development.

It’s interesting that even though 69% of doctors like using digital channels to learn about medicine, only 32% of pharmaceutical companies use digital ways to reach out.

There’s definitely a big chance to make a real difference through engagement.
✨Unlocking this opportunity demands a strategic approach.

*Post inspired by Christina Kotsi talk – How to leverage social media for medical engagements – Pharma Reuters 2023